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Custom heading H1

Custom heading H2

Custom heading H3

Custom heading H4

Custom heading H5
Custom heading H6

Heading H1

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4

Heading H5
Heading H6

Heading centered

Quisque erat quam, elementum quis dolor vitae, dictum tempus nunc. Nulla consectetur lectus leo, non vulputate augue scelerisque id. Curabitur porta convallis erat at ultrices. Quisque a purus sit amet sem aliquam commodo.

Heading aligned to the right

Quisque erat quam, elementum quis dolor vitae, dictum tempus nunc. Nulla consectetur lectus leo, non vulputate augue scelerisque id. Curabitur porta convallis erat at ultrices. Quisque a purus sit amet sem aliquam commodo.


Maecenas euismod dolor nisi, id lacinia nisl sagittis id. Suspendisse lectus sem, sollicitudin ac magna sed, ullamcorper volutpat nulla. Duis convallis ante et mollis tristique. Sed sed lacus non tortor ornare ornare.Jon doe

Emphasis and label

Nulla rhoncus, purus in eleifend vestibulum, mauris mi porttitor dolor, eu fermentum tortor tellus nec sapien. Integer venenatis semper malesuada. Pellentesque sollicitudin tincidunt urna. Suspendisse eu rutrum purus. Duis sed risus mi. Fusce dui magna, convallis eu imperdiet sit amet, sollicitudin sed arcu. Donec ac tellus sit amet massa sodales lobortis. Proin nec ultrices lacus. Proin condimentum blandit dolor, vitae suscipit neque semper sit amet.

Default table

# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Table striped

# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Table bordered

# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Table hover

# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Table condensed

# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Social icons

Glyphicons from Bootstrap 3

Includes 200 glyphs in font format from the Glyphicon Halflings set. You can see couple examples below.

Font Awesome 4.0.3

The iconic font designed for Bootstrap. Includes 369 font icons that are fully customizable. Check out couple examples below and see available icons on Font Awesome website.